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1936-1944 |
Reflexivity of rings via nilpotent elements
Volume 61, no. 2
pp. 277–290
An ideal $I$ of a ring $R$ is called left N-reflexive if for any $a\in
\operatorname{nil}(R)$ and $b\in R$, $aRb \subseteq I$ implies $bRa
\subseteq I$, where $\operatorname{nil}(R)$ is the set of all nilpotent elements
of $R$. The ring $R$ is called left N-reflexive if the zero ideal is
left N-reflexive. We study the properties of left N-reflexive rings and related
concepts. Since reflexive rings and reduced rings are left N-reflexive rings,
we investigate the sufficient conditions for left N-reflexive rings to be
reflexive and reduced. We first consider basic extensions of left N-reflexive
rings. For an ideal-symmetric ideal $I$ of a ring $R$, $R/I$ is left
N-reflexive. If an ideal $I$ of a ring $R$ is reduced as a ring without
identity and $R/I$ is left N-reflexive, then $R$ is left N-reflexive. If $R$ is
a quasi-Armendariz ring and the coefficients of any nilpotent polynomial in
$R[x]$ are nilpotent in $R$, it is proved that $R$ is left N-reflexive if and
only if $R[x]$ is left N-reflexive. We show that the concept of left
N-reflexivity is weaker than that of reflexivity and stronger than that of
right idempotent reflexivity.
Published by the Unión Matemática Argentina |