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1936-1944 |
$p$-Dual frames and $p$-Riesz sequences in quasinormed spaces
Volume 61, no. 2
pp. 291–301
The present contribution is aimed at obtaining new results in
duality between $p$-dual frames and $p$-Riesz sequences in quasinormed spaces
with a normalized Schauder basis. We obtain two results which show the
relationship of duality between these concepts. We split a quasinormed space
into a topological sum of two subspaces and use the Schauder basis to
establish a relationship between the $p$-dual frames of one of these subspaces
and the $p$-Riesz sequences of the dual of the other one. In fact, the main
results are stated in a lightly more general context.
Published by the Unión Matemática Argentina |