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1936-1944 |
Characterization of hypersurface singularities in positive characteristic
Volume 61, no. 2
pp. 457–468
The classification of right unimodal and bimodal hypersurface singularities
over a field of positive characteristic was given by H. D. Nguyen. The
classification is described in the style of Arnold and not in an algorithmic
way. This classification was characterized by
M. A. Binyamin et al. [Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (N.S.)
61(109) (2018), no. 3, 333–343]
for the case when the
corank of hypersurface singularities is $\leq 2$.
The aim of this article is to characterize the right unimodal and bimodal
hypersurface singularities of corank $3$ in an algorithmic way by means of
easily computable invariants such as the multiplicity, the Milnor number of the
given equation, and its blowing-up.
On the basis of this characterization we implement an algorithm to compute
the type of the right unimodal and bimodal hypersurface singularities without
computing the normal form in the computer algebra system
Published by the Unión Matemática Argentina |