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1952-1968 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina y de la Asociación Física Argentina
1944-1951 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina; órgano de la Asociación Física Argentina
On the zeros of univariate E-polynomials
María Laura Barbagallo, Gabriela Jeronimo, and Juan Sabia
Volume 65, no. 1
pp. 33–46
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We consider two problems concerning real zeros of univariate E-polynomials.
First, we prove an explicit upper bound for the absolute values of the
zeroes of an E-polynomial defined by polynomials with integer coefficients
that improves the bounds known up to now. On the other hand, we extend the
classical Budan–Fourier theorem for real polynomials to E-polynomials.
This result gives, in particular, an upper bound for the number of real
zeroes of an E-polynomial. We show this bound is sharp for particular
families of these functions, which proves that a conjecture by D. Richardson is
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