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1952-1968 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina y de la Asociación Física Argentina
1944-1951 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina; órgano de la Asociación Física Argentina
Convolution-factorable multilinear operators
Ezgi Erdoğan
Volume 65, no. 1
pp. 103–117
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We study multilinear operators defined on topological
products of Banach algebras of integrable functions and Banach left modules
with convolution product. The main theorem of the paper presents a
factorization for multilinear operators through convolution that implies
the property known as zero product preservation. By using this
factorization we investigate properties of multilinear operators including
integral representations and we give applications related to orthogonally
additive homogeneous polynomials and Hilbert–Schmidt operators.
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