Warped product lightlike submanifolds with a slant factor.
Megha Pruthi and Sangeet Kumar
In the present study, we investigate a new type of warped products on manifolds with
indefinite metrics, namely, warped product lightlike submanifolds of indefinite Kaehler
manifolds with a slant factor. First, we show that indefinite Kaehler manifolds do not
admit any proper warped product semi-slant lightlike submanifolds of the type
$N_{T}\times_{\lambda}N_{\theta}$, $N_{\theta}\times_{\lambda}N_{T}$,
$N_{\perp}\times_{\lambda}N_{\theta}$ and $N_{\theta}\times_{\lambda}N_{\perp}$, where
$N_{T}$ is a holomorphic submanifold, $N_{\perp}$ is a totally real submanifold and
$N_{\theta}$ is a proper slant submanifold. Then, we study warped product semi-slant
lightlike submanifolds of the type $B\times_{\lambda}N_{\theta}$, where $B = N_{T}\times
N_{\perp}$, of an indefinite Kaehler manifold. Following this, we give one non-trivial
example for this kind of warped products of indefinite Kaehler manifolds. Then, we
establish a geometric estimate for the squared norm of the second fundamental form
involving the Hessian of warping function $\lambda$ for this class of warped products.
Finally, we present a sharp geometric inequality for the squared norm of second
fundamental form of warped product semi-slant lightlike submanifolds of the type