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1952-1968 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina y de la Asociación Física Argentina
1944-1951 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina; órgano de la Asociación Física Argentina
Volume 62, number 1 (2021)
June 2021
Front matter
Orthogonality of the Dickson
polynomials of the $(k+1)$-th kind.
Diego Dominici
We study the Dickson polynomials of the $(k+1)$-th kind over the field of
complex numbers. We show that they are a family of co-recursive orthogonal
polynomials with respect to a quasi-definite moment functional $L_{k}$. We
find an integral representation for $L_{k}$ and compute explicit expressions
for all of its moments.
1–30 |
Time-frequency analysis associated
with the Laguerre wavelet transform.
Hatem Mejjaoli and Khalifa Trimèche
We define the localization operators associated with Laguerre wavelet
transforms. Next, we prove the boundedness and compactness of these operators,
which depend on a symbol and two admissible wavelets on
$L^{p}_{\alpha}(\mathbb{K})$, $1 \leq p \leq \infty$.
31–55 |
approximation of Muckenhoupt weights on fractals by simple functions.
Marilina Carena and Marisa Toschi
Given an $A_p$-Muckenhoupt weight on a fractal obtained as the attractor of an
iterated function system, we construct a sequence of approximating weights,
which are simple functions belonging uniformly to the $A_p$ class on the
approximating spaces.
57–66 |
Gotzmann monomials in four variables.
Vittoria Bonanzinga and Shalom Eliahou
It is a widely open problem to determine which monomials in
the $n$-variable polynomial ring $K[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ over a field $K$ have the
Gotzmann property, i.e. induce a Borel-stable Gotzmann monomial ideal.
Since 2007, only the case $n \le 3$ was known. Here we solve the problem for
the case $n=4$. The solution involves a surprisingly intricate characterization.
67–93 |
Signed graphs with totally disconnected star complements.
Zoran Stanić
We are interested in a signed graph $\dot{G}$ which admits a
decomposition into a totally disconnected (i.e., without edges) star
complement and a signed graph $\dot{S}$ induced by the star set. In this study
we derive certain properties of $\dot{G}$; for example, we prove that the
number of (distinct) eigenvalues of $\dot{S}$ does not exceed the number of
those of $\dot{G}$. Some particular cases are also considered.
95–104 |
The weakly zero-divisor graph of a commutative ring.
Mohammad Javad Nikmehr, Abdolreza Azadi, and Reza Nikandish
Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity, and let $Z(R)$ be the set of
zero-divisors of $R$. The weakly zero-divisor graph of $R$ is the undirected
(simple) graph $W\Gamma(R)$ with vertex set $Z(R)^*$, and two distinct
vertices $x$ and $y$ are adjacent if and only if there exist $r\in \operatorname{ann}(x)$ and
$s\in \operatorname{ann}(y)$ such that $rs=0$. It follows that $W\Gamma(R)$ contains the
zero-divisor graph $\Gamma(R)$ as a subgraph. In this paper, the
connectedness, diameter, and girth of $W\Gamma(R)$ are investigated. Moreover,
we determine all rings whose weakly zero-divisor graphs are star.
We also give conditions under which weakly zero-divisor and
zero-divisor graphs are identical. Finally, the chromatic number of
$W\Gamma(R)$ is studied.
105–116 |
A characterization of the Lorentz space
$L(p,r)$ in terms of Orlicz type classes.
Calixto P. Calderón and Alberto Torchinsky
We describe the Lorentz space $L(p,r)$, $0 < r < p$, $p > 1$, in terms of Orlicz type
classes of functions $L_{\Psi}$. As a consequence of this result it follows
that Stein's characterization of the real functions on $\mathbb{R}^n$ that are
differentiable at almost all the points in $\mathbb{R}^n$
[Ann. of Math 113 (1981), no. 2, 383–385],
is equivalent
to the characterization of those functions given by A. P. Calderón
[Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma 2 (1951), 203–213].
117–122 |
Classical simple Lie 2-algebras
of odd toral rank and a contragredient Lie 2-algebra of toral rank 4.
Carlos R. Payares Guevara and Fabián A. Arias Amaya
After the classification of simple Lie algebras over a field of characteristic
$p > 3$, the main problem not yet solved in the theory of finite dimensional
Lie algebras is the classification of simple Lie algebras over a field of
characteristic 2. The first result for this classification problem ensures
that all finite dimensional Lie algebras of absolute toral rank 1 over an
algebraically closed field of characteristic 2 are soluble. Describing simple
Lie algebras (respectively, Lie $2$-algebras) of finite dimension of absolute
toral rank (respectively, toral rank) 3 over an algebraically
closed field of characteristic 2 is still an open problem.
In this paper we show that there are no classical type simple Lie $2$-algebras with
toral rank odd and furthermore that the simple contragredient Lie $2$-algebra
$G(F_{4, a})$ of dimension 34 has toral rank 4. Additionally, we give
the Cartan decomposition of $G(F_{4, a})$.
123–139 |
On commutative homogeneous vector bundles attached to nilmanifolds.
Rocío Díaz Martín and Linda Saal
The notion of Gelfand pair $(G,K)$ can be generalized by considering
homogeneous vector bundles over $G/K$ instead of the homogeneous space $G/K$
and matrix-valued functions instead of scalar-valued functions. This gives the
definition of commutative homogeneous vector bundles. Being a Gelfand pair is
a necessary condition for being a commutative homogeneous vector bundle. In
the case when $G/K$ is a nilmanifold having square-integrable representations,
a big family of commutative homogeneous vector bundles was determined in
[Transform. Groups 24 (2019), no. 3, 887–911].
In this paper we complete that classification.
141–151 |
Structure of simple multiplicative Hom-Jordan algebras.
Chenrui Yao, Yao Ma, and Liangyun Chen
We study the structure of simple multiplicative Hom-Jordan
algebras. We discuss equivalent conditions for multiplicative Hom-Jordan
algebras to be solvable, simple, and semi-simple. Moreover, we
give a theorem on the classification of simple multiplicative Hom-Jordan
algebras and obtain some propositions about bimodules of multiplicative
Hom-Jordan algebras.
153–170 |
The fibering map approach for a singular elliptic
system involving the $p(x)$-Laplacian and nonlinear boundary conditions.
Mouna Kratou and Kamel Saoudi
The purpose of this work is to study the existence and multiplicity of
positive solutions for a class of singular elliptic systems involving
the $p(x)$-Laplace operator and nonlinear boundary conditions.
171–189 |
Cofiniteness of local cohomology modules
in the class of modules in dimension less than a fixed integer.
Alireza Vahidi and Mahdieh Papari-Zarei
Let $n$ be a non-negative integer, $R$ a commutative Noetherian ring with
$\dim(R)\leq n+ 2$, $\mathfrak{a}$ an ideal of $R$, and $X$ an arbitrary
$R$-module. In this paper, we first prove that $X$ is an
$(\operatorname{FD}_{< n}, \mathfrak{a})$-cofinite $R$-module if $X$ is an
$\mathfrak{a}$-torsion $R$-module such that
$\operatorname{Hom}_{R}\big(\frac{R}{\mathfrak{a}}, X\big)$ and
$\operatorname{Ext}_{R}^{1}\big(\frac{R}{\mathfrak{a}}, X\big)$ are
$\operatorname{FD}_{< n}$ $R$-modules. Then, we show that
$\operatorname{H}^{i}_{\mathfrak{a}}(X)$ is an $(\operatorname{FD}_{< n},
\mathfrak{a})$-cofinite $R$-module and $\{\mathfrak{p}\in
\operatorname{Ass}_R(\operatorname{H}^{i}_{\mathfrak{a}}(X)) :
\dim\big(\frac{R}{\mathfrak{p}}\big)\geq n\}$ is a finite set for all $i$ when
$\operatorname{Ext}_{R}^{i}\big(\frac{R}{\mathfrak{a}}, X\big)$ is an
$\operatorname{FD}_{< n}$ $R$-module for all $i\leq n+ 2$. As a consequence,
it follows that $\operatorname{Ass}_R(\operatorname{H}^{i}_{\mathfrak{a}}(X))$
is a finite set for all $i$ whenever $R$ is a semi-local ring with
$\dim(R)\leq 3$ and $X$ is an $\operatorname{FD}_{< 1}$ $R$-module. Finally,
we observe that the category of $(\operatorname{FD}_{< n},
\mathfrak{a})$-cofinite $R$-modules forms an Abelian subcategory of the
category of $R$-modules.
191–198 |
Canal surfaces with generalized 1-type Gauss map.
Jinhua Qian, Mengfei Su, and Young Ho Kim
This work considers a kind of classification of canal surfaces in terms of
their Gauss map $\mathbb{G}$ in Euclidean 3-space. We introduce the notion of
generalized 1-type Gauss map for a submanifold that satisfies $\Delta
\mathbb{G}=f\mathbb{G}+gC$, where $\Delta$ is the Laplace operator, $C$ is a
constant vector, and $(f, g)$ are non-zero smooth functions. First of all, we
show that the Gauss map of any surface of revolution with unit speed profile
curve in Euclidean 3-space is of generalized 1-type. At the same time, the
canal surfaces with generalized 1-type Gauss map are discussed.
199–211 |
Selberg zeta-function associated to compact Riemann surface is prime.
Ramūnas Garunkštis
Let $Z(s)$ be the Selberg zeta-function associated to
a compact Riemann surface. We consider decompositions $Z(s)=f(h(s))$, where
$f$ and $h$ are meromorphic functions, and show that such decompositions can
only be trivial.
213–218 |
Weight distribution of cyclic codes defined by quadratic forms and related curves.
Ricardo A. Podestá and Denis E. Videla
We consider cyclic codes $\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{L}$ associated to quadratic
trace forms in $m$ variables $Q_R(x) = \operatorname{Tr}_{q^m/q}(xR(x))$
determined by a family $\mathcal{L}$ of $q$-linearized polynomials $R$
over $\mathbb{F}_{q^m}$, and three related codes $\mathcal{C}_{\mathcal{L},0}$,
$\mathcal{C}_{\mathcal{L},1}$, and $\mathcal{C}_{\mathcal{L},2}$. We describe
the spectra for all these codes when $\mathcal{L}$ is an even rank family, in
terms of the distribution of ranks of the forms $Q_R$ in the
family $\mathcal{L}$, and we also compute the complete weight enumerator
for $\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{L}$. In particular, considering the family
$\mathcal{L} = \langle x^{q^\ell} \rangle$, with $\ell$ fixed in $\mathbb{N}$,
we give the weight distribution of four parametrized families of cyclic codes
$\mathcal{C}_\ell$, $\mathcal{C}_{\ell,0}$, $\mathcal{C}_{\ell,1}$, and
$\mathcal{C}_{\ell,2}$ over $\mathbb{F}_q$ with zeros $\{ \alpha^{-(q^\ell+1)}
\}$, $\{ 1, \alpha^{-(q^\ell+1)} \}$, $\{ \alpha^{-1},\alpha^{-(q^\ell+1)} \}$,
and $\{ 1,\alpha^{-1},\alpha^{-(q^\ell+1)}\}$ respectively, where $q = p^s$
with $p$ prime, $\alpha$ is a generator of $\mathbb{F}_{q^m}^*$, and
$m/(m,\ell)$ is even. Finally, we give simple necessary and sufficient
conditions for Artin–Schreier curves $y^p-y = xR(x) + \beta x$, $p$ prime,
associated to polynomials $R \in \mathcal{L}$ to be optimal. We then obtain
several maximal and minimal such curves in the case $\mathcal{L} = \langle
x^{p^\ell}\rangle$ and $\mathcal{L} = \langle x^{p^\ell}, x^{p^{3\ell}}
219–242 |
Recurrent curvature over four-dimensional homogeneous manifolds.
Milad Bastami, Ali Haji-Badali, and Amirhesam Zaeim
Recurrent curvature properties are considered on four-dimensional
pseudo-Riemannian homogeneous manifolds with non-trivial isotropy, and also on
some geometric manifolds.
243–255 |
On Egyptian fractions of length 3.
Cyril Banderier, Carlos Alexis Gómez Ruiz, Florian Luca, Francesco Pappalardi, and Enrique Treviño
Let $a,n$ be positive integers that are relatively prime.
We say that $a/n$ can be represented as an Egyptian fraction of length $k$ if
there exist positive integers $m_1, \ldots, m_k$
such that $\frac{a}{n} = \frac{1}{m_1}+ \cdots + \frac{1}{m_k}$.
Let $A_k(n)$ be the number of solutions $a$ to this equation.
In this article, we give a formula for $A_2(p)$ and
a parametrization for Egyptian fractions of length $3$,
which allows us to give bounds to $A_3(n)$,
to $f_a(n) = \#\{(m_1,m_2,m_3) : \frac{a}{n} =
\frac{1}{m_1}+\frac{1}{m_2}+\frac{1}{m_3}\}$, and finally to $F(n) =
\#\{(a,m_1,m_2,m_3) : \frac{a}{n}=\frac{1}{m_1}+\frac{1}{m_2}+\frac{1}{m_3}\}$.
257–274 |
Volume 62, number 2 (2021)
December 2021
Front matter
common fixed point theorems for multivalued mappings in
dislocated metric spaces.
Deepa Karichery and Shaini Pulickakunnel
Motivated by the $F$-contraction introduced by Wardowski [Fixed Point
Theory Appl. 2012, 2012:94], we introduce three types of
multidimensional Ciric-type rational $F$-contractions for multivalued mappings
in dislocated metric spaces. Using these contractions, we establish fixed
points of $N$-order for multivalued mappings. Our result generalizes the main
result obtained by Rasham et al. [J. Fixed Point
Theory Appl. 20 (2018), no. 1, Paper no. 45].
275–293 |
Split exact sequences of finite MTL-chains.
J. L. Castiglioni and W. J. Zuluaga Botero
This paper is devoted to presenting ordinal sums of MTL-chains as a particular
case of split short exact sequences of finite chains in the category of
semihoops. This module theoretical approach will allows us to prove, in a very
elementary way, that every finite locally unital MTL-chain can be decomposed
as an ordinal sum of archimedean MTL-chains. Furthermore, we propose the study
of MTL-chain extensions and we show that ordinal sums of locally unital
MTL-chains are a particular case of these.
295–304 |
A convergence
theorem for approximating minimization and fixed point problems
for non-self mappings in Hadamard spaces.
Kazeem Olalekan Aremu, Chinedu Izuchukwu, Olawale
Kazeem Oyewole, and Oluwatosin Temitope Mewomo
We propose a modified Halpern-type algorithm involving a Lipschitz
hemicontractive non-self mapping and the resolvent of a convex function in a
Hadamard space. We obtain a strong convergence of the proposed algorithm to a
minimizer of a convex function which is also a fixed point of a Lipschitz
hemicontractive non-self mapping.
Furthermore, we give a numerical example to illustrate and support our method.
Our proposed method improves and extends some recent works in the
305–325 |
A Ricci-type flow on globally null manifolds and its gradient estimates.
Mohamed H. A. Hamed, Fortuné Massamba, and Samuel Ssekajja
Locally, a screen integrable globally null manifold $M$ splits through a
Riemannian leaf $M'$ of its screen distribution and a null curve $\mathcal{C}$
tangent to its radical distribution. The leaf $M'$ carries a lot of geometric
information about $M$ and, in fact, forms a basis for the study of expanding
and non-expanding horizons in black hole theory. In the present paper, we
introduce a degenerate Ricci-type flow in $M'$ via the intrinsic Ricci tensor
of $M$. Several new gradient estimates regarding the flow are proved.
327–349 |
Complete lifting
of double-linear semi-basic tangent valued forms to Weil like
functors on double vector bundles.
Włodzimierz M. Mikulski
Let $F$ be a product preserving gauge bundle functor on double
vector bundles. We introduce the complete lifting
$\mathcal{F}\varphi:FK\to \wedge^p T^*FM\otimes TFK$ of a
double-linear semi-basic tangent valued $p$-form $\varphi:K\to
\wedge^p T^*M\otimes TK$ on a double vector bundle $K$ with base $M$. We prove
that this complete lifting preserves the Frolicher–Nijenhuis bracket. We
apply the results obtained to double-linear connections.
351–363 |
Simple, local and
subdirectly irreducible state residuated lattices.
Mohammad Taheri, Farhad Khaksar Haghani and Saeed Rasouli
This paper is devoted to investigating the notions of simple, local and
subdirectly irreducible state residuated lattices and some of their related
properties. The filters generated by a subset in state residuated
lattices are characterized and it is shown that the lattice of filters of
a state residuated lattice forms a complete Heyting algebra. Maximal,
prime and minimal prime filters of a state residuated lattice are
investigated and it is shown that any filter of a state residuated lattice
contains a minimal prime filter.
Finally, the relevant notions are discussed and characterized.
365–383 |
hypersurfaces in the complex hyperbolic quadric with Reeb
invariant Ricci tensor.
Doo Hyun Hwang, Hyunjin Lee, and Young Jin Suh
We first give the notion of Reeb invariant Ricci tensor for real
hypersurfaces $M$ in the complex quadric ${Q^m}^*=SO^0_{2,m}/SO_2
SO_m$, which is defined by $\mathcal{L}_{\xi}\operatorname{Ric}=0$,
where $\operatorname{Ric}$ denotes the Ricci tensor of $M$
in ${Q^m}^*$, and $\mathcal{L}_{\xi}$ the Lie derivative along the
direction of the Reeb vector field $\xi=-JN$. Next we give a complete
classification of real hypersurfaces in the complex hyperbolic quadric
${Q^m}^*=SO^0_{2,m}/SO_2 SO_m$ with Reeb invariant Ricci tensor.
385–400 |
Interpolation theory for the HK-Fourier transform.
Juan H. Arredondo and Alfredo Reyes
We use the Henstock–Kurzweil integral and interpolation theory to extend the
Fourier cosine transform operator, broadening some classical properties such
as the Riemann–Lebesgue lemma. Furthermore, we show that a qualitative
difference between the cosine and sine transform is preserved on
differentiable functions.
401–413 |
Linear maps preserving Drazin inverses of matrices over local rings.
Tugce Pekacar Calci, Huanyin Chen, Sait Halicioglu, and Guo Shile
Let $R$ be a local ring and suppose that there exists $a\in F^*$ such that
$a^6\neq 1$; also let $T: M_n(R) \to M_m(R)$ be a linear map preserving
Drazin inverses. Then we prove that $T=0$ or $n=m$ and $T$ preserves
idempotents. We thereby determine the form of linear maps from $M_n(R)$ to
$M_m(R)$ preserving Drazin inverses of matrices.
415–422 |
A generalization
of primary ideals and strongly prime submodules.
Afroozeh Jafari, Mohammad Baziar, and Saeed Safaeeyan
We present $*$-primary submodules, a generalization of the concept of
primary submodules of an $R$-module. We show that every primary
submodule of a Noetherian $R$-module is $*$-primary. Among other things,
we show that over a commutative domain $R$, every torsion free $R$-module is
$*$-primary. Furthermore, we show that in a cyclic $R$-module, primary
and $*$-primary coincide. Moreover, we give a characterization of
$*$-primary submodules for some finitely generated free $R$-modules.
423–432 |
Local superderivations on Cartan type Lie superalgebras.
Jixia Yuan, Liangyun Chen, and Yan Cao
We characterize the local superderivations on Cartan type Lie
superalgebras over the complex field $\mathbb{C}$. Furthermore, we prove
that every local superderivation on Cartan type Lie superalgebras is a
superderivation. As an application, using the results on local
superderivations we characterize the linear $2$-local superderivations on
Cartan type Lie superalgebras. We prove that every linear $2$-local
superderivation on Cartan type Lie superalgebras is a superderivation.
433–442 |
Note on the generalized conformable derivative.
Alberto Fleitas,
Juan E. Nápoles Valdés,
José M. Rodríguez, and
José María Sigarreta-Almira
We introduce a definition of a generalized conformable derivative of order
$\alpha \gt 0$ (where this parameter does not need to be integer), with which we
overcome some deficiencies of known local derivatives, conformable or not.
This definition allows us to compute fractional derivatives of functions
defined on any open set on the real line (and not just on the positive
half-line). Moreover, we extend some classical results to the context of
fractional derivatives. Also, we obtain results for the case $\alpha \gt 1$.
443–457 |
A new
trigonometric distribution with bounded support and an
Ahmed M. T. Abd El-Bar, Hassan S. Bakouch, and Shovan Chowdhury
In this paper, we introduce a new bounded distribution by using trigonometric
functions, named the cosine-sine distribution. A comprehensive study of its
statistical properties is presented along with an application to a
unit-interval data set, namely firms risk management cost-effectiveness data.
The proposed distribution has increasing, bathtub and v hazard rate shapes.
Further, we show that the distribution can be viewed as a truncated exponential
sine distribution.
459–473 |
Regularization of
an indefinite abstract interpolation problem with a quadratic
Santiago Gonzalez Zerbo, Alejandra Maestripieri, and Francisco Martínez Pería
In this work we study an indefinite abstract smoothing problem. After
establishing necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of
solutions, the set of admissible parameters
is discussed in detail. Then, the relationship of this problem with a linearly
constrained interpolation problem is analyzed.
475–490 |
A canonical
distribution on isoparametric submanifolds II.
Cristián U. Sánchez
The present paper continues our previous work
[Rev. Un. Mat. Argentina 61 (2020), no. 1, 113–130],
which was devoted to showing
that on every compact, connected homogeneous isoparametric
submanifold $M$ of codimension $h\geq 2$ in a Euclidean space, there exists
a canonical distribution which is bracket generating of step 2.
In that work this fact was established for the case when the system of
restricted roots is reduced. Here we complete the proof of the main result
for the case in which the system of restricted roots is
$(BC)_{q}$, i.e., non-reduced.
491–513 |