Temporary Suspension of Submission and Review System Due to the recent flooding in Bahía Blanca Argentina, where our web servers are located, our submission and review system is temporarily out of service. As a result, all communication with authors, reviewers, and editors through this system is suspended until further notice. Until this issue is resolved, we will not be accepting new submissions. For any other inquiries requiring urgency, please contact revuma@criba.edu.ar. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. |
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1936-1944 |
Haar wavelet characterization of dyadic Lipschitz regularity
Published online (early view): August 22, 2024 https://doi.org/10.33044/revuma.3574
Accepted manuscript
· Early view version
This early view version of the article is essentially the authors' accepted manuscript, with only minor adjustments (such as formatting changes) made prior to copyediting, typesetting, and proofreading. While the final published version may undergo further changes, the article can already be freely shared and cited using its DOI, which will remain unchanged. Volume, issue, and page numbers will be provided once the article has completed the final stages of production. |
Published by the Unión Matemática Argentina |